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Animal husbandry

Карта України

European experience and the dream of sheep breeding revival in Ukraine became the key to choosing a new branch of the national economy. Merinolandschaf sheep were selected and brought from Austria for sheep breeding.

The farms were built of environmentally friendly materials. Spacious stables, enough oxygen to breath, light, and constant access to food - all for the comfort of animals!

Although Merinolandschaf sheep are not picky about food, they need a balanced diet for their growth, distinct fleshy shapes, strong body constitution, and high productivity. Therefore, for the haylage at El Gaucho, we sift only specially selected herbs, and for strengthening the animals’ immune system, we provide concentrated feed and vitamin micro- and macro-supplements imported from Austria. They do not contain harmful substances, growth stimulants, and hormones.


Why did we choose the Austrian Merinolandschaf breed?

  • They are adapting well to any climatic conditions.
  • They are perfect for breeding on pastures and in pens.
  • They are distinguished by rapid growth, distinct flashy shapes, strong body structure, and high






Карта України

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The main directions

  • We create comfortable conditions for cultivating animals. The farms are built of environmentally
    friendly materials. Sheep have spacious stables, enough oxygen to breath, light, and constant access to
    food! And therefore - good conditions for the formation of breeding genetic material!
  • Although Merinolandschaf sheep are not picky about food, they need a balanced diet for their growth,
    distinct flashy forms, strong body constitution, and high productivity. Therefore, for the haylage at El
    Gaucho, we sift only specially selected herbs, and for strengthening the animals’ immune system, we
    provide concentrated feed and vitamin micro- and macro-supplements imported from Austria. They do
    not contain harmful substances, growth stimulants, and hormones.Today, the farm works with both wholesalers and retailers.
  • Merinolandschaf sheep are considered fine wool. Their wool is used to make plaids and blankets,
    threads for sewing clothes. Moreover, merino sheep wool is thinner than other types of wool, 3 times
    softer than natural silk, and 5 times more elastic than cotton.